A new era of surgical innovation
As a regional referral center, Regional West is pleased to offer advanced, minimally invasive da Vinci robotic surgery to the patients we are proud to serve.
Over the past 25 years, surgical techniques have evolved from open surgery to minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures to robotic surgery. Robotic surgery can improve outcomes and potentially reduce complications, especially in urological surgery, gynecological surgery, and upper and lower abdominal surgery.
How does it work?
Robotic surgery combines the best features of traditional open and minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. It uses the small incisions of laparoscopic surgery while allowing the wristed movement and 3D visualization of open surgery. As with laparoscopic surgery, a miniature camera is inserted through a tiny incision, but the surgeon performs the procedure by guiding the surgical instruments and the camera while sitting at the console. The robotic computer system translates the surgeon’s hand movements in real time to manipulate the instruments as he or she performs the procedure.
Advantages of da Vinci robotic surgery
Robotic surgery is a less invasive technique than ‘open’ surgery. Advantages over laparoscopic surgery include better visualization and enhanced depth perception for surgeons, which enhance their ability to do fine dissection and suturing.
Benefits include:
Shorter hospital stay
Less blood loss
Fewer complications
Less need for narcotic pain medicine
Faster recovery
Smaller incisions associated with minimal scarring
What types of surgeries are best suited for da Vinci surgery?
Visit with your provider for more information on robotic-assisted surgery, or to find out if you are a candidate.