Application Form

St. Mary Plaza

3701 Avenue D
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
United States

Get in touch

Students may fill out the application form online below. The application deadline is the first business day of February. There is no application fee. The observation form must be emailed to:

The application deadline is the first business day of February. There is no application fee.

Please request your official high school transcripts be mailed or electronically sent directly to the program from your high school. Transcripts must be received by Feb. 20th. Please email transcripts to, or mail them to: Regional West Medical Center, School of Radiologic Technology, 4021 Avenue B, Scottsbluff, NE 69361
ALL OFFICIAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS MUST BE SENT DIRECTLY TO THE PROGRAM FROM THE ATTENDED COLLEGE. Please have them sent electronically to If mailing is the only option, please email the program and let them know they are coming by mail. ALL TRANSCRIPTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 20TH.
The reference listed above will be emailed a link to a reference check survey. Please let them know this email is coming and ask them to respond promptly.
The reference listed above will be emailed a link to a reference check survey. Please let them know this email is coming and ask them to respond promptly.
References listed above will be emailed a link to a reference check survey. Please let them know this email is coming and ask them to respond promptly.
I hereby certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge
I hereby certify that I have read the Technical Standards, found under the Policies tab to the left
Do you feel you need accommodations for any of the information listed in the Technical Standards?